Saturday, 9 February 2013

Day 40 Macro

Gerbera, taken with a macro lens and blended with textures layers.

Just adding this as we've just spent a lovely afternoon playing with bubbles! Thanks @elaronndy :)

Friday, 8 February 2013

Day 39 Money

This is a money box that was bought for me by two very good friends whilst I was working as an AST. I have an inability to say no even if I am snowed under and this was their attempt to make me think. Everytime I said 'yes' to a request I had to put £1 in, everytime I said 'no' they would put £1 in, cost me an absolute fortune!! I'm now using it to save for my summer visit to the Outer Hebrides as I want a pair of Harris Tweed shoes!

Look at this challenge :)

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Day 38 Time piece

'What is this life if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare'

William Henry Davies

There are a couple more little people images here

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Day 37 Blue

Yesterday wasn't a good day, but today I have my 'mojo' back! Spent a lovely couple of hours this morning with my adult class just playing with bubbles and reflections. If you want bubbles to last longer then stir in some glycerine into the mixture!
I have loads and so will upload more than one but the top one is the one I'm putting onto shuttercal. I know it had lots of colours but it has lots of blue too! If you look you can see me and a couple of others - could have used this as self portrait!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Day 36 - Doors

Quick post today as I'm not feeling well. Had a headache for over a week, an hour in the doctors waiting room and he says it's tension!
Today's theme is doors - this is just a quick grab shot through my half open front door this morning.

Couldn't resist this photo of doors from Matera this Summer - they make great story starters.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Day 35 Buttons

I have two posts today - one is 'safe' and talks about the set up and textures of the above photo the other is more from the heart so here goes!
When looking for a quote to add to today's image I kept coming across 'Mothers are like buttons, they hold everything together' and this really 'got' to me. My mum has problems with her memory (and yes that's a euphemism!) she is often unaware of major events in the family, births and deaths pass her by, she has no idea of what is happening in the family and has to be told several times. Her personality has changed and although I love her I find myself increasingly frustrated by this angry woman who shouts at me when I suggest we change her food stained shirt or offer to wash her hair. She thinks we are plotting against her and it is becoming increasingly hard to watch what this is doing to my dad. I am trying to become a replacement button and hold everything together but its hard and to be honest I miss my mum x

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Day 34 Hopes and dreams

Today's challenge is 'Hopes and dreams'

I always HOPED that I would be happy again following 2 awful divorces but never dreamed that I would be lucky enough to find love as I have done.

I always HOPED that after 30 years of teaching I could make a living with my camera and change careers at this stage of my life but never dreamed of thesupport I would be given.

I always DREAMED of one day being able to write a book - and I now have  a book contract - working title 'learning through a lens' - and the 30 day challenge will feature (don't worry I won't quote anyone without permission!) - I only HOPE that I can do this! (self doubt is ever present)

is a 30 day challenge for pupils which is going into the book - please have a look and get in touch if you are interested in having a go.