Saturday, 19 January 2013

Day 19 What's in your bag

I literally just emptied my bag!
3 packets of parecetemols,
1 diary
1 notebook
pencil case
4 camera leads
1 card reader
miniature heartshaped blackboards
2 lots of post its
 eye drops
 reward pencils
felt pens

It would normally have keys but I've lent them to a colleague.

I also went to see my little robin in the snow x

Friday, 18 January 2013

Day 18 - Anything

Had to be the weather didn't it, that's all anyone is talking about. If you look at Day 4 - something that stresses you out you will see it's driving. I'm so glad I'm working from home today. I had a panic attack last night driving home in snow that had just started...where do we get our fears and over active imagination from? No amount of telling me 'it will be OK' works I just can't stop stressing!
However, from inside it looks really pretty so all is well.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Day 17 - Something fun

I've uploaded this today as I had fun taking it and I love these little people and magic bubbles. - I could do with a quote to turn it into one of my quotes posters - see examples by following link below.
 so if anyone has any suggestions?
 This is also making me smile as it's being published in Photography Monthly magazine next week! (unfortunately next to a photo of me eek!)

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Day 16 Something you have too much of

...and is taking up too much space.
Photos of Robins! Since I discovered the tame Robin I have taken hundreds of photos of him and they are taking up space on my hard drive! he is cute though.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Day 15 - Something you own but never use

When we saw this challenge my friend Sharon (@elaronndy) just laughed and said 'well day 15 is a 'no brainer' for you'! Anyone who knows me knows that 'I don't do cooking'. I am the proud owner of several mugs and notices bought as presents over the years that say 'I have a kitchen because it came with the house'. My son taught himself to cook - necessity really is the mother of invention, and even got himself a job as a chef- wonderful parenting skills!
I decided to combine this with a layering technique I want my GCSE group to use - maybe though I should have saved this for Day 30!

Monday, 14 January 2013

Day 14 Somewhere you went today

Day 14 - basically I didn't go any further than the dustbin today! I've been working from home, editing yesterday's studio shoot. I didn't think you would appreciate a photo of my dustbins so I've combined this with day 1 of #photochallenge30pupils
#photo challenge for pupils is here
which was 'Through the window'. This is taken through my living room window this morning.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Day 13 - something out in Nature

I am taking a left field approach to today's challenge as I've had a studio session this morning and this young lady was gorgeous. Surely one of nature's greatest creations is babies! (and I was out :)) She smiled, was patient and had a gorgeous outfit -nature at its finest.