Saturday, 5 January 2013

Day 5 - A cup that you drank from today

I'm enjoying this 30 day challenge as it's making me more 'disciplined'. I normally take photos of what appeals or what I've planned but this is giving me tasks to do and so I'm trying to use them to be creative.This is our morning coffee whilst out shopping - taken on my iPhone and edited with an App called photo slice.

This is a coffee earlier in the week edited with the app 'Toon Paint'

This is from yesterday edited with the app 'Vintique'

As you can see I love my coffee!

Friday, 4 January 2013

Day 4 What stresses you out

Nothing stresses me out more than driving (and parking!) I hate it. I drive because I have to but will avoid it at all costs. It took me 17 years to pass my test and I failed the first test for driving on the wrong side of the road.
PS I obviously wasn't driving when I took these!

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Day 3 - Something that you collect

One of the things I 'collect' are these miniature Presier figures - they are about 2cm tall and make for great photos. I have a whole range and often use them in lesson!

Where to buy the figures
Make sure you check the size - you want 1:87

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Day 2 - Something that makes you smile

Day two was 'something that makes you smile.' The wonderful thing about this challenge was it made me look around me properly and I have so much around me that makes me smile...from photos on the fridge to dying roses. I know a photo of a dying flower wouldn't be everyone's first choice but I love flowers when they are past their best as they have so much texture and the lines are so much better. This one is also special as it was bought for me by my lovely husband on the last day of a very long term!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

30 Day Photo Challenge

Thank you to some inspiring friends on Twitter for this challenge!

Here goes Day One!
This nearly put me off joining as I never have my photograph taken! I constantly have a camera in my hand but hate being on the other side of the lens! Oh well, this is me wrinkles and all (not to mention the bookcase behind me that certainly needs a tidy!)
Look forward to seeing how this works out!

If you are interested this was taken with an Olympus Pen camera which has built in filters
- you can create your own like this by using the App snapseed- choose black and white and film.
You can also get snapseed for windows or mac (around £12)
The frame is from a series of free frames from Photo Radar