Saturday 5 October 2013

Day 278 World Teacher day

In honour of World Teacher Day I am sharing my shopping from this morning - all of which are for my teaching next week!

Friday 4 October 2013

Day 276 Purple Day 277 Not round

Purple is the 'accent' colour in our living room.

A cheat as it's from Monday at Media City - all lines, angles and reflections - not a circle or round line in sight!

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Day 275 Embarrassing

Taking street shots can be embarrassing and you have to look as if you aren't actually taking them - doesn't stop me from doing it though!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Day 273 Rare Day 274 Coins

Day 273 Rare - photos of me are very very rare!! This was taken yesterday at Media City in Manchester - eating pancakes in the sun with my friend Cathy!

Day 274 Coins - I have done the photos for Will Ryan's new book (see cover below) this was one of the images we didn't use.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Day 272 Pots and pans

I am so averse to cooking and anything 'kitcheny' I was struggling, until I remembered I had this in the garden!