Saturday, 14 September 2013

Day 257 It's the weekend

Which means I can play with my camera! Just a few still life shots today.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Day 254 - 256

Day 254 Routines
We live near an RSPB site and the geese fly over every night around 7.30!

Day 255 - On the floor - had to use this one from the Fringe earlier in the year.

Day 256 Friday 13th - Using 'Horror ' as our theme for yr 6 open evening. This is the end of a long day of 'decorating' amongst other things.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Day 253 Man Made

I'm hoping 'Woman Made' is equally acceptable - this is the photo wall I made in a local special school. I saw it finished and 'up' for the first time today. This isn't a good photograph as I wanted to be far enough away for the faces not to be recognisable. The actual images are lovely - huge beaming smiles and many taken by the pupils themselves!

Monday, 9 September 2013

Day 252 Old

Following a very challenging 2 hour meeting this morning with social services and my parents I feel I have aged 10 years and almost just took a self portrait! My mum is so angry with everyone and it does make life difficult. After returning home in tears yet again, I phoned later this afternoon to check all was Ok and she had no recollection of myself or my brother or social services being there this morning!

Oh's image is of an old box brownie bought at the local antiques centre and edited with strut type - sadly it doesn't work!

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Day 251 Achievement

This is my amazing friend Sharon! (@elaronndy) - it is her birthday on Tuesday and so I called for coffee this morning. Earlier this year her grandson Harry was 'born asleep' - you may remember the photos from Harry's hope in earlier posts. Sharon has supported Lauren through this and they have all worked tirelessly, having now raised around £5,000 to purchase special cots for babies like Harry, called Cuddle cots - these allow the mothers to keep their babies with them for several hours until they are 'ready' to say goodbye. One hell of an achievement in more ways than just raising money!